
Day 57 of 365: (A late entry for February.26.2014)

I've been away for about a week...
I haven't touched on my entries when I'm supposed to...
But, the great news is I'm back from my adventure of this year and welcoming the new year.
I have a lot of things that I want to talk about during my trip that I hope I get to in time.

I've always wanted to surprise my friends and eloped.
I did only told about 4-5 people as to where I'm going this year, but to make it fair I've realized that I'm doing this for me and if people don't understand that or are having negative feelings about it... all I can say is life is too short to carry those negative vibes... I'm just done dealing with it.
New year, new goals and new learned version of me.

You guys may ask why I have a photo of a pair of Toms up right now...
I supposed it's only fair to at least talk about it.
I felt the need to get it off my chest as it is part of my growing experience to accept life as to what it is now and what it was back then.
It's never a secret how I felt about certain things in life and even though I'm not open to my parents especially...I do find love universal.
The shoes...I was supposed to give as a present to a special person in my life during my trip from the states...unfortunately because of superstitions... I never gave it.
I ended up selling them.
The bottomline is if you ever buy shoes and decided to give it as a gift to a person as per the superstition... you are supposed to ask for any change as exchange for the shoes being given.
Otherwise, if you don't... the person will walk out of your life.
The problem is I never gave the shoes... She still walked out of my life.
So superstition or not... your destiny is not decided by an object.
Well, for that matter... I wish her all the best in life.

Moving forward.
I wanted to vent out in particular over something that sometimes irritates me, but I want to keep it short.
Life is short.
Life is short to let people's emotions get the best of you.
I really dislike when people are like that.
I'm just over it.
I always tell myself that I'm the driver of my own emotions.
You want to hang out with me, cool let's do it.
You ignore me, that's fine with me too.. understandable we all have our own lives.
You don't want to reply, that's fine.
You want me to persuade you into hanging out... not gonna happen. If you say NO, I'll accept it... I just don't like asking twice anymore.
Don't talk to me for a couple of weeks that's cool with me too... not upset or anything but just don't repeatedly point to my face the same thing you do.
Pointing out about plans changing... hey, life happens. Get over it.
And I'm not really that forgetful I just don't have the ounce of energy in me anymore to argue over something I really didn't say or do.
If I disappoint you, well I'm not the only one, I've been disappointed by numerous people to and so are you... so don't patronize one person over something that you had done as well in the past. 
Besides, what's the point. Life is short.
You still want the connection do so, you don't that's fine.
I've lost so many friends in life that I've reached a point in my life where I just want to do me now.
I have goals in my head that I want to do by the age of thirty and sulking over a friend or couple friends that are sometimes on their feelings over me is really straining... I just don't want it. 
Well, the only thing I'll say is: LIFE IS SHORT. GET OVER IT.